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Race Day Event

The Rotary Bangalore IT Corridor organized the first Bengaluru Midnight Marathon (BMM) in 2007 to support various deserving charities across India. The journey has since continued. With its unique chosen hours, it is India’s only midnight marathon. The concept has captivated people resulting in a growing number of participants, from over 20 countries and 23 states in India, every year.

BMM is an entire festival in itself. Post the launch Press Conference, it begins with a pre-marathon One Mile Run for CXOs as a run-up to Race Day, including multiple activities for children and pets. The BMM is widely seen as a major social occasion by entrants, their families and supporters. On the day of the race, the evening starts with a bang, thanks to a rock show surrounded by a sea of cultural performers entertaining the crowd and a flea market. The festive atmosphere runs through the night and into the morning.


Community Relay – 4:00 pm (IST)

5k Run – 05:30 pm (IST)

Akamai Open 10k – 7 pm (IST)

Full Marathon – 9:00 pm (IST)

Half Marathon – 9:10 pm (IST)

AIRBUS Corporate Relay – 9:20 pm (IST)

PRIME Fittest Startup Relay – 9:20 pm (IST)

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